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First thing's first- that pineapple on the right is most definitely not me. Sure, I might be spiky sometimes with a sweet and sour interior, but still- I personally detest pineapples. My favorite's the watermelon, and my mouth's drooling just thinking about it. (Too bad that Wix here just doesn't have fun watermelon pictures).


Anyway, I got off topic again (yeah, I do that a lot). I'm not exactly sure what you write in an about section, and my life is just as normal as everyone else's can get, so I don't have too many cool facts. Here goes: my dream is to be some sort of blend of author/architect/doctor/scientist/crazy travel person (not too sure how that's gonna play out) and I'm as quirky as you can get. I hope you enjoy reading my blog, because I wanted this thing to help people relate to things, and just have plain fun with it. In school, when we're supposed to strangle a meaning out of books, I feel like I want to sue them already or something. I like reading for plain pleasure, and I hope that my blog can give you that pleasure. Happy Reading!


- Watermelon Girl

Image by Pineapple Supply Co.
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