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Going Somewhere

This year, Spring (or what’s the start of it) could not have come faster. The abominable layers of snow over the last few months seemed to make my deck sag, they were that preposterously heavy. At first, the snowmen, forts, and snowball fights we had were awesome, and probably the highlight of the entire Winter. When I was actually standing knee-deep in eight inches of snow, I had an exhilarating feeling that nothing could topple, since this was the most snow ever seen in my whole life. Of course, I definitely exaggerated it to two feet when I told my friends abroad, but it wasn’t much of an exaggeration- only, um, well, 16 inches more. (Ok, maybe it was an exaggeration).

This year’s snow surpassed what I expected. More and more layers kept on drifting from the sky, and a looming mound settled almost threateningly in my backyard. It was big enough to submerge an entire coffee table, or apparently 24 hockey pucks (got that one from Google). That’s when my wonder and exhilaration quickly dissipated. The snow wasn’t fluffy and fleecy anymore- they were jagged shards of ice, and you could stand on them without the ice breaking. I tried- they’re really slippery though! Well, some guy a billion years ago somewhere on the planet once said, “Nothing lasts forever,” or something close enough.

Last weekend, we finally stepped out of the house together, after what seemed like ages. It's not often we can all go out since my baby brother has made it his business to shriek and catch a cold every single time. Last time, we stuffed him inside at least four layers of clothes, and even then he managed to start sniffling. The only reason no one can get mad at him is that he's so unbearably cute (in a big sister's totally biased opinion).

When I finally felt a real breeze in my hair, it was as if my sanity was finally rescued. Being cooped up in a house is not my idea of fun, so a simple stop by Starbucks felt refreshing. Over Spring Break, my dad and I have decided (not telling my mom, although I'm pretty sure she knows) that we're going to try to bike in the parks as much as possible in the morning- that is, if I actually wake up.


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